special session



The technical program of REEE2024 will include 2-3 special sessions on new or emerging topics related to Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering, this year we particularly welcome sessions related to the main focus of REEE2024 that is the use of Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering for remote presence. Proposing sessions on other cross-disciplinary research is highly encouraged as well.

Each special session will consist of 4-5 oral presentations. The special session proposal should contain the following information:

1. A title for the special session, the names and contact information of the organizers;
2. A brief description of the session (up to one page);
3. Brief biographies of the session organizer(s) and their contact information;
4. 4-5 tentative papers with title, authors and short abstract.
5. Special session proposals will be evaluated immediately upon submission based on the timeliness of the topic, its uniqueness, and qualifications of the proposers. Accepted special sessions will be listed on the REEE website. To avoid multiple special sessions covering similar topics, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with similar proposals.

Important dates:

Deadline for Special Session Proposals submission: June 1, 2024
Notification of acceptance of the proposal: immediately upon submission
Submission of papers for approved Special Sessions: extended – July 1, 2024
Notification of papers acceptance: July 30, 2024
Deadline for camera-ready papers: August 20, 2024

The papers should be formatted following the Author’s kit instructions. They should be submitted through the regular submission system and will undergo the same peer-review process as regular papers. Proponents of special sessions are invited to submit their proposals in pdf attached to an email to the address
reee_secretariat@outlook.com, with the Subject line: ‘Special Session Proposal’.

We are looking forward to your proposals!


@2024 The 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering